October 18 & 19
today’s harvest
1/2 pound lettuce mix
1 bunch beets
1 head cabbage
2 pounds potatoes
1 pound onions
2 pounds mixed fall roots
2 garlic
1 bunch greens
October, completing the 19 week CSA and feeding forty households, filling and then emptying the field, none of this was anything thing that I could really even picture way back in March when I fired up the greenhouse and started the storage onions, officially embarking on the 2011 growing season. But here we are, and as proof of it all, the onions that kicked it all off are now rattling around in your shares, making appearances on your dinner plates and holding space as staples for meals to come. There is no denying it, the veggie season has come, raged and gone. Our bellies are full, we are way blessed.
Honestly, it is pretty scary to be a CSA farmer. All you guys trust me to grow your vegetables for the season, give me money and I have to deliver. Not to over-dramatize the whole deal, but bugs, disease, weather and general weirdness are not always on our sides and things can very easily get very freaky. It brings me great, great pleasure to let you all know that the Black Kettle Farm 2011 CSA exceed the value of share value by a hefty 10+ percent, fulfilling a major facet of CSA philosophy, that members help out the farmer before the season and the farmer hooks up the members when all is said and done. You got more then you paid for and I really like that. From insane amounts of cucumbers, to carrots galore. Greens, greens, greens, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, tasty herbs and random roots, we have all eaten well, and have shared in the abundance of this great season.
I am thrilled with the way that the vegetables produced on this new piece of land. Not to mention the other awesome things that have gone down in these past month, like raising 3 gorgeous and uber cosmic swine, building an on-farm pick area in the barn, procuring a super styling and only slightly sketchy white van, working alongside, bumping lots of tunes and developing a specific and unique vocabulary with rock star Assistant Manager Shannon Gilpatrick and developing relationships and connections from all CSA members from the close by neighbors to the hipster Portland crew.
After many prayers, a few misfires and some major successes I am looking forward to seasons and seasons and seasons to come here on the Kettle bluffs. This sense of permanence and potential for long term evolution on a piece of land are elements that I have never felt before as a farmer and it is both calming to know that I am not going anywhere for a minute, and extremely exhilarating to imagine how it is all going to continue to unfold. Sure, no doubt, farming is really, really hard, but I absolutely love it and all of y’all are key players in what keeps me coming back for more. Let’s do it all again next year.
Please, please, please fill out a survey. It really helps me to hear your feedback, don’t be shy!
BKF is growing, please spread the word, more friends is more fun, no??
Potato & Greens Frittata
Nourished Kitchen
* 3 tablespoons butter
* 2 shallots, peeled and sliced thin
* 1 bunch Swiss chard, kale or collards stem removed and chopped coarsely
* 4 small potatoes (about 1 lb), sliced thin
* 1 dozen eggs
* 3 tablespoons heavy cream, not ultrapasteurized
* sea salt, to taste
* black pepper, to taste
1. Melt three tablespoons clarified butter in a skillet over a medium flame. Toss peeled and thinly sliced shallots into the skillet and fry in butter until fragrant. Add coarsely chopped Swiss chard and thinly sliced potatoes into the skillet and continue to cook until the Swiss chard wilts and the potatoes are tender when pierced by a fork.
2. Beat one dozen pastured eggs with three tablespoons heavy cream until the mixture becomes uniform. Season the eggs to your liking with salt and black pepper. Reduce the flame to medium-low then pour the beaten eggs and cream into the skillet, over the vegetables. Cook over medium-low until barely set, about six minutes or so.
3. Place the frittata in your oven, under the broiler for about six minutes until it is cooked through. Serve warm.
Potato and Turnip Gratin
Bon Appétit | December 2005
* 4 cups heavy whipping cream
* 2 cups low-salt chicken broth
* 6 large fresh thyme sprigs
* 4 large fresh sage sprigs
* 2 large fresh rosemary sprigs
* 2 large garlic cloves, pressed
* 1 Turkish bay leaf
* 1 tablespoon coarse kosher salt
* 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
* 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
* 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
* 3 1/2 pounds potatoes
* 2 pounds turnips
· 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Position rack in top third of oven and preheat to 350°F. Bring first 11 ingredients to boil in large saucepan. Reduce heat and simmer until mixture is reduced to 33/4 cups, about 35 minutes. Strain cream mixture into large bowl.
Peel potatoes; cut into 1/8-inch-thick rounds, adding immediately to cream mixture to prevent discoloration. Peel turnips; cut into 1/8-inch-thick rounds. Add to potato mixture; stir to coat.
Pour vegetable mixture into 15x10x2-inch glass baking dish and press to even layer. Cover dish with foil. Bake 1 hour. Uncover; sprinkle with cheese. Bake until top is golden brown, potatoes are tender, and most of cream mixture is absorbed, about 25 minutes longer.
Please take a moment to fill out the 2011 CSA survey. Drop it in the mail : BKF, 1391 S.Waterboro Rd, Lyman, 04002 or respond via email. You thoughts and opinions are very valuable to the farm!
October 11 & 12
today’s harvest
1 bunch carrots
1 red cabbage
2 pounds potatoes
1 pound onions
2 pounds mixed fall roots
1 stalk Brussels sprouts
1 bunch dried sage
It’s sunny, the full moon is raging and there is just so much goodness in the air!
Love, blessings and big congrats to Clare and Andy Pritchard of Portland on the birth of their daughter Elena Noreen. Our girl rolled into town on, right on time, but in fact 18 days after the doc said so, on September 18th at 12:06 pm, weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces and stretching 20 inches long. Yay and Hurray! Elena joins BKF CSA babies Priya, Jonah, Charlie and Calder, self-professed in utero kale addicts and salad fiends! We love them and cannot wait for them to take over the world.
The abundance just keeps on comin’ so love and blessings to Vanessa Greco of Portland and her twin baby girls that will make their appearance this winter.
Speaking of fertility and next year’s crop, starting this week I will be attending a series of workshops facilitated by MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmer’s and Gardener’s Association) and lead by the Real Food Campaign, to learn more about building healthy soil to sustainabley produce even healthier vegetables, a major, fundamental and truly essential mission of Black Kettle Farm. The course will focus on enhancing soil life and vitality to ensure that the food produced from it provides the maximum health benefits for those that consume it. The catch phrase is “nutrient dense food”, which the Kettle is all about. Looking forward to letting my farm dork flag fly and getting in deep about particles, minerals, good bacteria, and the juicy goodness of healthy, cranking soil. Can’t wait see what next year’s carrot crop is like after this new info! Check it out at www.realfoodcampaign.org.
The Kettle belief that there the earth is abundant and that there is always so much to go around reigns supreme these days, where as at last count the Farm has donated over 1300 pounds of fresh produce to the York County Shelter. Yes, that is in fact well over half a ton of veggies shared with the members of our immediate community, all initiated, calculated and executed by Assistant Manager Shannon Gilpatrick. Knobby turnips, cracked carrots, and less then perfect lettuce fills somebody’s belly and that makes us happy.
Thanks dear, wonderful CSA community for chiming in with thoughts about this year in veggies.
Here’s what you got to say about it…
…the health, the lovely people, the effort for a community of kindred souls… it's having good local food grown by a good friend. It's a tight circle. …When I think of the Kettle, I think of carrots…I am blessed to be part of this year’s crop and feel that all of the food was grown with positive energy and love…my first CSA – What an experience! BKF rocks!….If Albert Einstein (a vegetarian) were alive today I am sure he would be a member here!…nice van…
Next week is the last pick up for the 2011 season!
Eating local in the fall means mostly storage crops and every thing is this week’s share is designed to stick around for quite some time.
Pop your dried sage in a sealed jar or a plastic bag and store with the rest of your spices in a cool, dry place.
Onions and garlic can be unrefrigerated and will last for months, the cabbage will last until Thanksgiving in your fridge and all the roots, potatoes and carrots do best sealed in a plastic bag in your fridge. If you have any greens like kale or collards still kicking around, freeze them. Just chop, blanch in boiling water for about a minute, run under the tap to cool down and place in a freezer bag to enjoy in soup or sautéed later.
Mashed Rutabaga Potato Supreme!!
The Real Dirt on Vegetables
A few pinches of salt
1 pound rutabaga cut into chucks
1/2 pound potatoes cut into chunks
1 medium carrot chopped
1/4 cup milk
3 TBSP melted butter
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 ground nutmeg
black pepper
Boil a large pot of water, add a few pinches of salt and the rutabaga and cook for 10 minutes. Add the potato and carrot and cook until every thing is tender. 15-20 minutes. Drain. Heat the milk in a saucepan, but do not boil.
Mashed the vegetables with the butter until smooth, adding a bit of warmed milk as you go until it reaches the consistency that you like. Stir in salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Potato, Sage and Rosemary Pizza
Bon Appétit | March 2007
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
12 ounces potatoes, sliced into very thin rounds
1 (13.8-ounce) tube refrigerated pizza dough
2 teaspoons chopped rosemary
2 teaspoons sage
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
1 cup (packed) grated whole-milk mozzarella cheese (about 4 ounces)
1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add potato slices in single layer. sauté until just tender, about 5 minutes. Cool briefly.
Unroll dough on rimmed baking sheet. Scatter potato slices over dough, leaving 3/4-inch plain border. Sprinkle with rosemary, sage, garlic, and crushed red pepper. Sprinkle with cheeses to cover.
Bake pizza until crust is crisp and cheeses melt, about 20 minutes. Using metal spatula, loosen crust from sheet. Slide out onto platter or board and serve.
today’s harvest
1 bunch chard
1 bunch carrots
1 savoy cabbage
1/2 pound baby lettuce mix
1/3 pound arugula
2 stalks Brussels sprouts (!!!!!)
2 garlic
sweet pepper
Not a drop of rain in July and barely a sprinkle during Hurricane Irene. We seem to be making up for lost time here on the Kettle bluffs and these dreary days and super water logged fields are reminiscent of the sloppy spring we had. I really have to dig deep to remember those early days. I associate this ever cranking growing season with nothing but sunshine, sparkle, blue skies and goodness.
As for our always abundant field, the wetness and warmth have been a treat for all of the greens, young and old. From rock solid chard to crispy arugula, we got it goin’ on. The soil fertility building swath of oats and clover is the lushest of the lush right now, a huge blanket both allowing the ground to rest and pumping it up for seasons to come. The biggest news of the week, is that Woolever Farm, an Icelandic Sheep farm in Alfred, run by super close friend, old neighbor and yoga buddy Heidi Woolever Daly is bringing her ram flock over to graze the greenness and goodness of the Kettle pastures. The spunky, young fellows will fertilize next year’s fields and munch clover, allowing me to skip another pass with the mower, decreasing soil compaction and keeping us from taking another sip of fossil fuels. Not to mention, it feels great to cooperate with another local farmer and mutually diversify and improve our operations. If you haven’t done it yet, “friend” BKF on Facebook, I guarantee that there will be plenty of sheep shots in the weeks to come.
There has been plenty of horn hooting and tooting, along the lines of “we’re awesome, you’re awesome, the veggies are a rockin!!! Yay, Yay, Yay!’” in this season’s newsletters. Howsoever because we are always evolving and ever humbled by life experience and the craziness of attempting to squeeze food out of the earth, it comes with a heavy heart to declare that the winter squash crop, a New England staple for sure, is all sorts of said and done. There are many reasons why it just didn’t line up this year and the few delicata that you got in your shares where the only ones that left the farm. I repeat, no one got them but YOU. There has been no mountain of butternut and sweet dumplings on display at farmer’s market and none of my faithful restaurants will chop even one this season. Fear not, this is a perfect opportunity to visit your local farmer’s market. Everyone else has more then they can handle, so test drive a few and let me know which varieties you like. Missing the mark this year, just fuels the fire to make the winter squash haul better then ever in 2012. Have faith, we’ll pull through this together! In fact, we’ll pull through this with BRUSSELLS SPROUTS. I pretty much binge on vegetables and eat nothing else,(ok fine, peanut butter) but the ol’ b.sprout is really just something special to me. They take a long, long time to grow, they look way cool and are like health inducing, delectable candy. YUM! The fall fabulousness continues. Squash or not, we will no doubt Hoot and/or Toot and high kick into the last weeks of the season, it’s just how we do!
Linguine with Pecan Arugula Pesto
Gourmet | November 2002
3/4 cup pecans (3 oz), toasted
1 large garlic clove
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 oz arugula, coarse stems discarded
1/2 cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (1 1/2 oz)
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 lb dried linguine
Finely chop 1/4 cup pecans.
Mash garlic to a paste with salt using a mortar and pestle (or mince and mash with a large heavy knife). Blend remaining 1/2cup pecans, arugula, cheese, oil, pepper, and garlic paste in a food processor until smooth, about 1 minute.
Cook pasta in a 6- to 8-quart pot of boiling salted water until al dente, 10 to 12 minutes. Ladle out and reserve 1 1/2 cups cooking water. Drain pasta in a colander, then return to pot and toss with pesto, 1/2 cup cooking water, and chopped pecans, adding more cooking water as necessary if pasta seems dry.
Freeze this pesto, you’ll love it in February!
Teriyaki Portobello "Burgers" with Cabbage Slaw
Gourmet, April 2006
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons mirin* (sweet Japanese rice wine) or medium-dry Sherry
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons minced peeled fresh gingerroot
2 tablespoons sugar
4 fresh Portobello mushrooms (about 1/4 pound each), stems trimmed flush with caps and save
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons rice vinegar
1 teaspoons Asian sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon honey
2 cups finely shredded cabbage
1/2 cup finely shredded carrot
2 scallions, chopped fine
vegetable oil for brushing mushroom caps
4 sesame-seed hamburger buns, split and toasted lightly
In a small saucepan simmer marinade ingredients, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Continue simmering marinade until reduced to about 1/2 cup and cool to room temperature.
Put mushroom caps and marinade in a large sealable plastic bag, arranging caps in one layer, and seal bag, pressing out excess air. Marinate mushrooms at room temperature, turning bag over several times, 1 hour.
In a bowl whisk together mayonnaise, vinegar, oil, and honey and add cabbage, carrot, and scallions. Toss vegetables well to coat and season with salt and pepper.
Preheat broiler.
Drain mushrooms and arrange, stemmed sides up, on lightly oiled rack of a broiler pan. Broil mushrooms 2 inches from heat and turn over. Brush mushrooms lightly with oil and broil 3 minutes, or until tender. Transfer mushrooms with a slotted spatula to hamburger bun bottoms. Top mushrooms with slaw and bun tops.1 bunch kale
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch purple top turnips
1/2 pound salad mix
1 pound onion
2 pounds Kennebec potatoes
sweet peppers, eggplant, delicata squash
The go-to CSA mantra is Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food, right? Well, there’s the flip side to this way groovy thought. Have you ever put yourself in my New Balance Classic running sneakers and thought about what it’s like to feed over a hundred people for 5 months? There are a lot of taste buds and belly tendencies in the mix and over the weeks I get to know what it is that you all fancy and what it is that you could do with out. I try to mix it up, keep it colorful, interesting, nutritious and delicious, with a balance of stables and bursts of wild cards. It all gets factored in as each share gets planned for the week, while I still keep in mind what is going nuts in the field, what sells well at market, what restaurants feature on their menus, and what we actually have time to harvest. Be that as it may, chefs and market customers can come and go, but CSA members are VIP’s in the Kettle world, therefore I take your feedback into consideration every time I plan your share, bunch a beet or snip a green.
As a window into the world of a CSA farmer, I have been know to think about the fact that Andy can’t stand chard, but Amanda is obsessed with it. The Snyder’s and the Van Oosterums can never, ever have enough potatoes, but Anita and Jackie don’t touch ‘em. Amy T., was way over cucumbers pretty early on, but Haven was ready to munch away on them in the car ride home. Jen H got full on lettuce, while Christine L. was psyched when she got the box that was accidentally packed with 3 heads. Nate doesn’t like collards and Terry is a recent convert (an now addict) to kale and bok choi. Lauren N, isn’t ready for fall root crops yet, but just posted an article on her blog, www.spicedplate.blogspot.com featuring BKF autumnal chow. Cindy loves her some eggplant, while Arunima tosses it on the trade table every time it shows up. The Hungarian Hot wax peppers hurt Shannon’s belly and although sweet to most, Rachel finds the purple Islander peppers spicy. Sarah B, says that BKF has the best garlic on the planet, and Darren and Skylar just do not ever have a taste for anything in the onion family. Then there’s the fearless, hardcore veggie power couples contingent of the Simpson/Riegel, O’Connell/Marks, Simpson/Korbet, Riegel/McEdward Dean/Henry and Hudson/Smith’s that know it all and eat it all, no matter what, no matter where. Linda H., is all sparkle, all the time. Some members chip away at the share and others plow through it in a few days. Folks get sick of tomatoes, but no one has never, not ever, traded a bunch of carrots in all my days as a Black Kettle farmer. Lots of crops, lots of opinions, nothing gets by me. If it’s not bugs, weeds or broken equipment, it’s your dinner menu, food allergies and cravings that put that hustle in this CSA bustle! Enjoy it y’all, because I sure do! So much love and bold italics…..
Moroccan Carrot Soup
Bon Appétit | April 2010
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter
1 1 cup chopped white onion
1 pound large carrots, peeled, cut into 1/2-inch dice (about 2 2/3 cups)
2 1/2 cups low-salt chicken broth
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 cup plain yogurt, stirred to loosen
Melt butter in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion; sauté 2 minutes. Mix in carrots. Add broth; bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until carrots are very tender, about 20 minutes.
Stir cumin seeds in small skillet over medium-high heat until fragrant, 4 to 5 minutes; cool. Finely grind in spice mill.
Remove soup from heat. Puree in batches in blender until smooth. Return to same pan. Whisk in honey, lemon juice, and allspice. Season with salt and pepper.
Ladle soup into bowls. Drizzle yogurt over; sprinkle generously with cumin.
All Roots Roast, You Can Do No Wrong
No Frills Veggie Splendor by Laura Higgins Neale
Set the oven to 375 degrees.
Drizzle olive oil onto a baking sheet.
Chop anything chunky that you have, including, but not limited to :
Roll them around on a dish towel to absorb some of the excess water resulting in crispy veg.
Toss the veggies in the pan and move it all around with a wooden spoon.
Include whole cloves of garlic or chunks of onions, toss with salt and pepper and any herbs that may strike you, like oregano, thyme or rosemary. Sweet peppers roast nicely as well.
Pop in the oven and go along your merry way. Let roast for at least 30 minutes before checking, then poke your head in the oven, shake the pan, sample a turnip and give them some more time for the desired roasty and crispy effect.
Serve in a huge bowl and munch cold as leftovers.
1 bunch collards
1 bunch carrots
1/4 pound arugula
1 pound rutabaga
1 pound sweet peppers
2 garlic
1 head savoy cabbage
delicata winter squash
Meadow Muses from Assistant Manager Shannon Gilpatrick….
Hello friends! At this point I’ve had a chance to meet and chat it up with almost everyone involved with the farm, but I’m sure you all still have questions about how exactly I ended up in the meadow and what I’m doing out there. Today I’ll put your minds at ease. I met Laura last year through some friends of hers that I had been working for at their farm in Kennebunk. I started as a working member of Black Kettle farm in June of 2010 and later took on a bit of hourly work. While out in the blazing sun that over the months transitioned into bitter cold, Laura and I talked at length about her travels, and to say the least I was inspired. I decided I was going to go on a four or so month trip through Central America and have a journey of my own. So in January away I went to Nicaragua, where I lived with a family and volunteered on a small organic farm for a month. During that time I took Spanish classes and really kicked it with the locals. I continued to travel through Nicaragua for another month and a half and at one point on the island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, I ran into the farmer friend who suggested I go work for Laura! I had a heads up she might be there, but I certainly wasn’t expecting to see her at pizza night. After Nicaragua I traveled in Guatemala and Mexico, ending at Mazunte on the Pacific coast, where I stayed on the beach for my last few weeks. Of course thoughts were pretty in the moment while on my trip, but I couldn’t help thinking once in a while about where I was going to call home when I returned to Maine, all I knew was that my dad had a little camper he said I could use. I was a bit concerned because the last thing I wanted to do was come home and spend all the money I was earning just to park the camper in a campground, when the real goal was to be able to go travel again the following winter. And that’s about the time Laura offered for me to work for her full time and live in the back meadow. Sure there isn’t running water or electricity, but I have a meadow all to myself. In all honesty, just having a room of my own that includes a fridge, stove and toilet is like ten steps up from the majority of places I stayed on my trip. Long story short, 2011 has been a great year! Filled with food, fireflies, farm work and the best experiences of my life.
Lamb Cabbage Rolls
Mix the Seasonings:
1/2 teaspoon ground celery seed
1/2 teaspoon ground dill or fennel seed
1 teaspoon dill weed
1 teaspoon savory (optional)
2 teaspoons dried mint
1 teaspoon sweet Hungarian paprika
1 teaspoon salt
Make the Cabbage Rolls:
8 -12 large outer Savoy cabbage leaves
1 pound ground lamb
1 cup cooked and cooled rice, barley or other grain
1 large onion
1 medium-large carrot (2 cups when grated)
1 tablespoon mild vegetable oil
2 cups tomato sauce
1 to 2 teaspoons sugar
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Heat the oil in a large skillet and cook the onions until quite soft, stirring frequently to prevent them from browning. Set them aside to cool.
Blanch cabbage leaves in the boiling water (use tongs!) until just softened, then put them in the sink to drain. Once the cooked vegetables are cool enough to handle, they can go into a mixing bowl with the meat, rice and seasonings. Mix well.
Shake each leaf dry and lay it out flat. Divide the meat mixture into 8 equal portions, and roll one portion into a rough tube. Put it in the middle of the cabbage leaf, then fold up the bottom (stem end). Fold in the sides, then roll up the leaf to finish. Put the cabbage roll in a large (9" x 13") lasagna pan. Do the same with the remaining cabbage leaves.
Drizzle the tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls, sprinkle them with the sugar, and cover them with foil. Bake for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours, cool for about 10 minutes before serving.
Roasted Red Peppers with Garlic
Bon Appétit | January 200
6-8 Sweet red peppers
1/4 cup olive oil
6 large garlic cloves, thinly sliced crosswise
1/4 cup Sherry wine vinegar
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Preheat oven to 450°F. Toss peppers with 1/4 cup olive oil in bowl. Transfer peppers to large rimmed baking sheet. Roast peppers until partially charred, turning every 10 minutes, about 50 minutes.
Transfer peppers to reserved bowl; cover tightly with plastic wrap. Cool 15 minutes. Peel and seed peppers over bowl. Tear each pepper lengthwise into 6 strips. Transfer pepper strips to heavy large skillet. Strain liquid from bowl into skillet. Add garlic, vinegar, and 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil to skillet. Simmer over medium heat until liquid becomes syrupy, stirring frequently, about 25 minutes. Cool.
1 head baby romaine lettuce
1 head savoy cabbage
1 bunch carrots
1 pound heirloom turnip
2 pounds Kennebec potato
2 heads garlic
sweet peppers
CSA is all about KNOW YOUR FOOD, KNOW YOUR FARMER, right? Well at this point you all seem pretty familiar with kale and you have no doubt made acquaintance with good ol’ carrots, lettuce, and onions. But, just who is this Laura person? It’s week 14, we have come a long way together, at this point I am ready to over share.
So, I am Laura Higgins Neale, I was born on January 21st 1977 during a raging blizzard in NYC and I am a triple Aquarius. I grew up in suburban New York and went to public high school and graduated in 1995. Even in my haze of being an 18 year old, I had some sense of clarity and came to college in Maine. I had my first farming apprenticeship in the summer of 1996 on a farm in Woolwich and graduated from Colby in 1995. Degree in Anthropology, random, yes. During college I worked on farms in the northeast, studied abroad in Bolivia, had good times with good friends (a few current CSA members in fact) and wore a whole lot of corduroy. Post college lent itself to many globe trots and traveling tendencies. I lived in Wyoming, Portland, Puerto Rico, and New Mexico and traveled in Central America and Cuba, when that got old I touched down in good ol’ San Francisco and had my time to shine. The Bay Area lead me to nothing but goodness. I worked for a few urban gardening, food justice based non-profit organizations, rode my bike a lot, fought the power, and met the most wonderful proactive, creative and inspiring people. Then when that got old, I hightailed it to Southeast Asia and on to India where I volunteered on an aloe and date farm, drank an insane amount of chai and bopped about until I found myself in Nepal where I trekked, ate an insane amount of lentils and bopped about until it was time to come on back to California where I had been accepted in the UC Santa Cruz Agro-Ecology Apprenticeship program. Six months of living on the farm at the University and receiving a formal training in agriculture, honed the skills acquired after being a lackey on several farms across the globe and made me realize that for sure, no doubt, let’s do this - growing food is my absolute passion. From then on, all I can do is farm the veggies without any interruption. Two great friends and I started Sol Food Farm in Sonoma County, California. After two years the over abundance of grapes and the lack of water and farmland in general there started to get to me, so I headed east and worked on a huge 400 member CSA in Connecticut. One thing lead to another, the universe stepped in, Maine took hold yet again and I got a job managing a farm (Wolf Pine) in Alfred. It only took one season to know that although I am still whole heartedly bi-coastal, my travelin’ days are over and Black Kettle Farm, an entity that had been with me over time, if only as just a twinkle in eye,has emerged. Three seasons deep and the tale continues to progress, transform and evolve. To be continued....
My favorite color is blue (but also sometimes brown and purple) I only listen to reggae music, I am a total beach person and I am obsessed with Mexican food.
Cabbage with Indian Spices
Farmer John’s Cookbook, The Real Dirt on Vegetables
3 TBLS vegetable oil or ghee
2 cups minced onions
1 1/2 tsps minced ginger
1 hot pepper (optional) or red pepper flakes
1 pound cabbage, shredded
1 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
pinch tumeric
3 TBLS water
1/2 tsp salt
Heat the oil or ghee in a skillet over medium heat and add the onions, ginger, hot pepper and sauté until the onion is soft, about 10 minutes.
Stir in the cabbage, add coriander, cayenne and tumeric and mix well. Add the water and salt and reduce the heat to simmer. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Adjust spices to taste.
Skillet Turnips and Potatoes with Bacon
Bon Appétit | October 2010
* 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
* 8 ounces thick-cut bacon slices, cut crosswise into 1-inch pieces – if you’re vegetarian, just skip this or substitute with tempeh
* 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
* 4 large garlic cloves, peeled, crushed
* 1 1/2 pounds turnips, peeled, cut into 1-inch chunks
* 1 1/2 pounds white-skinned potatoes, peeled, cut into 1-inch chunks
* 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
* 1 tablespoon chopped fresh Italian parsley
Mix 1/4 cup water, vinegar, and sugar in small bowl. Combine oil and bacon in heavy large skillet; sauté over medium-high heat until fat is rendered, 3 to 4 minutes. Add onion and garlic; sauté until onion is golden, about 5 minutes. Add turnips and potatoes; sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sea salt and toss 5 minutes. Reduce heat to medium/low, cover, and cook until vegetables are almost tender, stirring and turning vegetables occasionally, about 15 minutes.
Push vegetables to 1 side of skillet. Pour vinegar mixture into cleared space. Toss vegetables with vinegar mixture. Spread vegetables in even layer in skillet; cook until golden and slightly crisp on bottom, about 4 minutes. Turn vegetables over; spread in even layer and cook until browned and slightly crisp on bottom, about 4 minutes. Continue to turn, spread, and cook vegetables until tender, golden, and crisp around edges, 7 to 8 minutes longer. Season with more sea salt and black pepper. Transfer to bowl. Sprinkle with parsley.
ALERT : Shannon Gilpatrick, farm assistant manager, is in the market for a reliable, and inexpensive automobile. Any input is greatly appreciated!
1 bunch kale
1 head lettuce
1 bunch carrots
3 heads broccoli
1 bunch leeks
sungold cherry tomatoes
sweet peppers
hot pepper
As we trot on into September, Black Kettle Farm is living the truth, that the more things change, the more things just straight up stay the same. Things are constantly in motion on the farm. All of you certainly know this, as you never get the same produce from one week to the next. We no doubt keep you guessing and keep your taste buds on their toes. Tomatoes are on the way out, but the fall roots are pretty much jumping out of the ground. Cucumbers seem like a distant memory, but the winter squash is rising to the surface. Haven’t thought about a scallion in months, but the storage onions are curing in the green house. Change is absolutely every where, from the veggies and beyond. Steve, the cosmic feline, is feeling much better and is back to his way freaky self after his brush with death and chart topping temperature of 105 degrees a few weeks back. The pig pen is empty, if you catch my drift, and the absence of the girls is apparent. Many a pause has been taken in regards to animals, meat consumption and the way of the world, it’s really no picnic to “know your food” and it first it feels weird to do so, but then it feels even weirder and scarier not to. (Might I recommend a period of reflection?) On a way lighter note, a super duper positive change has been the record breaking farmer’s markets that we just keep on having. After making the command decision to step it up and go HUGE for the Labor Day market, we cruised on down to Portsmouth on in nothing less then a U-Haul truck and as a result, the farm absolutely blew it up and sold more produce and made more cash then ever before. As all of this is happening, and the days are getting ever so slightly shorter, some things just never, ever change. We still are blown away by the unrelenting abundance of this land, we are still constantly grateful for all the support and positivity bestowed upon the farm by friends, neighbors and real random strangers, we are still way obsessed with chard and even after 13 weeks we still cannot stop marveling at the kind, fun, whacky, and whole heartedly good times crew of CSA members that have found their way to the farm this season. Yay and hurray! Y’all are great, don’t change a thing!
Cook a lot and enjoy this food. We only have 6 weeks left of the fresh, fresh goodness!
Double Broccoli Quinoa
3 cups cooked quinoa
5 cups raw broccoli, cut into small florets and stems
3 medium garlic cloves
2/3 cup sliced or slivered almonds, toasted
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
2 big pinches salt
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup heavy cream
Cook quinoa (1 cup quinoa to 2 cups water, bring to a boil and lower the heat and cook for about 20 minutes or until all the water is absorbed).
Now barely cook the broccoli by pouring 3/4 cup water into a large pot and bringing it to a simmer. Add a big pinch of salt and stir in the broccoli. Cover and cook for a minute, just long enough to take the raw edge off. Transfer the broccoli to a strainer and run under cold water until it stops cooking. Set aside.
To make the broccoli pesto puree two cups of the cooked broccoli, the garlic, 1/2 cup of the almonds, Parmesan, salt, and lemon juice in a food processor. Drizzle in the olive oil and cream and pulse until smooth.
Just before serving, toss the quinoa and remaining broccoli florets with about 1/2 of the broccoli pesto, top with the remaining almonds
Carrots and Rutabagas with Lemon and Honey
Bon Appétit | November 2001
* 1 1/4 pounds rutabagas, peeled, cut into matchstick-size strips
* 1 pound carrots, peeled, cut into matchstick-size strips
* 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
* 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
* 3 tablespoons honey
* 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
* 1/2 cup chopped fresh chives
Cook rutabagas in large pot of boiling salted water 2 minutes. Add carrots and cook until vegetables are tender, about 6 minutes. Drain.
Melt butter in large pot over medium-high heat. Add lemon juice, honey, and peel. Bring to boil. Add vegetables; cook until glazed, stirring occasionally, about 6 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove from heat. Mix in fresh chives.